MSN一上線,”嗯? 不開心?”就丟過來,嚇了我一小跳。
But the night didn’t go well. Under the influence of alcohol (I only drank a tiny bottle of chanpange), I said something that I shouldn’t have and upset him. Something about you. I was so mad at myself cuz I don’t have to tell him that. There’s no point in telling him that. But I just cannot help myself cuz I have no one to talk to, even though there’s not much going on between you and me lately… but the “not much” is the thing I can’t get rid of in my mind….
人家是強者,小心趁你不小心的時候偷偷敲暈帶回家啦 :D
什麼什麼… 我會小心的 @@
趕快回台灣讓他敲昏比較實際 :p
沒事沒事 (摀嘴巴)