It seems that the popularity of the name Ashley bothers many of us and some of us came
up with the same solution – calling ourselves reversely, that is, Yelhsa. It's so funny in a pathetic
way ~_~
I really wanna change my name….
But J is right. Eliza is not any better. It's probably even “marketer”.
and Lizzy sounds silly. (No offense, my dear Lizzy Bennet.)
However, I found something interesting when struggling.
As I was playing with the idea of Yelhsa, the other name Ilsa came in to mind. They sound similar.
So I looked up the meaning and found that Ilsa is also an abbreviation of Elizabeth. Origin: German.
Whoa, that's pretty cool. But I don't think I'd really use that name, because…. well, do a search on Ilsa
and see what you get.