Grey’s Anatomy s2e18 Yesterday
Feb 19th, 2006 by Ashley
A juciy one!
Just as I was thinking that s2e16 after Superbowl might actually attracted some people who weren’t Just regular viewers but the sequel s2e17 must have lost them right away, this episode turned out to be… fun. We all knew from the preview that Mr. Mark the mistress is gonna make an entrance to Seattle Grace, but boy, ain’t preview misleading? (I guess they like to do that nowadays since people are very well-educated by the media, and I’m ok with that. I’d rather be misled before watch the “real” thing than be “spoiled” by previews.) In this episode, 3 cases took about half of the show time and the other half were about their personal affairs. Each of the cases has its own to-the-lung and to-the-heart part. Though they may seem insignificant comparing to the complex love/relationship crisis’, they lightened a warm and tender air, nicely woven into the atomosphere. I liked some things Dr. “McSteamy” said, “He saw me in bed with her, he walked away. And all I did was talking to you and I was on the floor bleeding.” and “He’s in love with her and he doesn’t even bother to hide it.” and also what McDreamy replied to McSteamy’s “You dorgave her and you can’t forgive me?”, “I didn’t forgive her. But with you, I don’t have the obligation to try.” What a slap on her face, ya-haa. And I’m kinda sick of Izzie’s being horny all the time. Maybe it’s just whatthe plot needed, but please stop before it gets really… i don’t know… detestable? Sorry Izzie I really really like you but you gotta stop. Last, but definitely not the least, O’Malley’s revenge… oops, finally outburst. He went into Meredith’s room, stood in front of her, said,
I know I’m not a world reknowned surgeon and I know I’m not alot of things you’ve gone for in the past. But I would never leave you, I would never hurt you, and I will never stop loving you.
That was so beautiful, honest and touching, and believe it or not, my tears actually ran out… but at the moment Meredith started to take off his shirt, my tear instantly rolled back and I couldn’t help sighing… why do you have to turn a beautiful romantic moment into a total tragedy?
btw, Desperate Housewives this week (s2e15 Thank You So Much) is actually quite good. It’s fun to see Bree “losin’ it”, especially when she can do it gracefully and doesn’t lose a bit of her beauty.