因為好奇, 所以在我的blog上對同學做一個簡單的survey,response rate很低^^”
我的 survey 問題如下:
My friend talked about it the other day.
I just wanna do a simple survey, and see if it’s really like what she said.Please leave a comment.
Do you know where Taiwan is?
Please name 4 nouns (ex. places, people, events, etc)
when you first think of Taiwan.
Please briefly describe what you know about taiwan?*please do not use internet resources or any other references :)
Taiwan, isn’t that one of those Chinese provinces?
It’s like somewhere north of Peking, right?4 nouns:
Samsung, Mao, Sumo, Jackie ChanTaiwan used to be called Hong Kong back when it was controlled by the French. Confushus was born there. “Tai” means tall and “wan” means province, and the province of Taiwan is mostly uninhabited mountains, although there is some farming done there and (recently) they are making other stuff too. During WWII, the Taiwan army occupied parts of Japan and forced them to learn French. They are part of the axis of evil, because of their nuclear missiles.
I better check the web to see if I am right, now!
她就一副我問了蠢問題一樣地說 “你在問我嗎!?”
“Hey! because you’re not American!”
“Exactly! You should ask an American!
You know, we take world Geography back home!”
“Dont they learn geography in high school?”
“No, they don’t learn anything!” :p
就開始聊起美國人的無知… :p