Boston Legal s2e21 Word Salad Day
Mar 29th, 2006 by Ashley
Great episode! The best one in the past few weeks. Each one of the segments has its own complete story well-told and contains both serious and interesting elements.
Alan & Denny line:
In the very beginning of the episode, Alan was talking gibberish in the courtroom and as he sat down, everyone, from the jury, judge, opposite lawyer to his own client, looked puzzled; even he himself seemed somewhat confused without the confidence he used to show on his face. So he went to the doctor and got the conclusion that there’s no brain or phsyc malfunction, and the possible cause is acute tension or pressure. Therefore, Denny took Alan to spa. Soaked in milk bath with rose petals, sigar in one hand and scotch in another, he finally seemed relaxed, but when he went for a woman by the pool and possibly got nervous and word salad symptom came up again. In the end, he ended up with majito on his face. He shared his fear to Denny whom seemed having no compassion towards him, so he lost temper and hurt Denny’s feeling. Denny was so angry, “All this time, I thought you empathize with me, but you were actually sympathizing.” The friendship between Denny and Alan is always fun and a bit touching to watch, and their balcony time’s like the conculsion of the day and draws the episode with few insightful remarks and a period.
Denise line:
A man with two wifes, one works and the other stays home. Can’t help but wonder how they can possibly rule him unguilty when what he does is obviously against the law. Despite the fact that their “system” seems to work really well and even the judge can’t hide the wouldn’t-it-be’wonderful expression on her face, if they let him go freely, it’ll set a precedence which would inevitably encourage people to break the law, since “hey, the law tolerates exceptions.” I don’t disagree with the way Denise argued. It’s her job to defend her client. But you can’t really take all those bad examples – abiding the law but have extramarrital affairs and etc – to justify your breaking the law.
Brad & Paul line:
I don’t like Brad. Of all the people in Boston Legal, (and let’s not count those two losers Garrett Wells and Sally Heeps in) I dislike Bard Chase the most. His self involving sense of I’m all justice and inappropriate self confidence irritate me. It’s just my personal taste. I believe there are lots of people out there who like Brad kinda guy and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with people liking him. I like a man with a touch of cynic and snob in his right. Anyway, enough of Alan Shore, we’re here to talk about Brad’s line. Brad here took a case defending for his friend’s video game company and at the same time express his thoughts of Rachel, Paul’s drug addict daughter. He won the case (in some senses), but I can tell it’s hard to fight against a single mom who just lost her son. Paul went to talked to Brad in private after the case, asked Brad to stay away from his daughter, and you should see the look on Brad’s face! That’s what I called naive. I hate people being head over heel enthusiastic when they have no idea of the whole situation and don’t know how to observe what people are expressing besides words.
btw, I was watching John Doe last Friday and found that the Jamie Avery(the police detective? chief of detective probably) is played by Jayne Brook who plays Rachel Lewston, Paul’s daughter. No wonder she looks familiar.
ahh…. Boston Legal inspires me~~~ :D
haven’t been able to write long articles in a long time.