Feb 1st, 2005 by Ashley
As you might have already guessed, yes I'm totally into Casablanca right now.
Yesterday I checked the DVD out from county library. I've already seen it once,
but I missed the ending last time. (Not my fault, the DVD was seriously scratched.)
Recently, my interest toward classic movie was aroused again, so I decided to watch
Casablanca again (and other classics).
The second viewing experience was very different from the first ( I suspect myself
didn't focus the first time I watch it…ai, i did that all the time.) This time, I have more
understanding of what it is talking about. (Especially because I've already know the
story, I can appreciate more of their acting, their expression.) And therefore, it
touched deeper within. Now, I dare not say I love
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town over
Casablanca, cuz Casablanca is really a subtle yet passionate, cynic yet ideal movie.
It's a beautiful story with memorable classic scenes.
Miscellaneous Notes:
◎Here's Looking at you, kid.
Needless to day how classic this line is. It pinpointed the three important moment of the film.
◎We will always have Paris.
I didn't feel anything the first time I watched it. But this time, I can feel the emotion
behind the words and what it implied. I knew what he's gonna say, and still a little bit
tear was squeezed out of my eyes.
We will always have Paris.
◎Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
I missed this line first time. Though someone told me how it ends, it still feels different
when I actually see it. The way he says it, and they faded out in the fog
I think it's rather a happy ending… :)