May 18th, 2006 by Ashley
Smart kids can get a lot out of books… but you don’t really get it until you’ve had to crawl through the mud a few times. Literature simply becomes richer after you’ve been fired , rejected, stranded, or had to change a few midnight diapers.
– USA Today July 15 2005
很多東西 真的是要經歷過才會明白
你可以用想像 或者也許以為自己知道
你才忽然發現 自己以前並不是真的了解
這時候 以前看過的聽過的東西 忽然被賦予了新的意義
又多了一扇窗被打開 風景或好或壞 卻總是多了一些東西在生命中