Urban dictionary
Aug 10th, 2006 by Ashley
之前翻 Chelsea 板的舊文章,有人提到 UD 上 Chelsea 的定義。
不過剛剛看到 Arsenal,發現也蠻好笑的,所以其實不用太在意 XD
(ps. Arsenal 明明就應該是很有氣勢的兵工廠,
但我每次寫/念到他們的名字,就不由自主地想幫他們簡稱為 Arse 啊… )
Arsenal 在 UD 的第一個定義
the first English team ever to field a starting XI featuring no English players.
Reporter: Why won’t you play English players?
Arsene Wenger: Je ne sais pas.
光是第一個就笑死我了 :p
(Je ne sais pas. = I don’t know)
a football team that relocated from Paris to North London.
Hmm. Maybe I will cheer for Arsenal just to get some friendly rivalry going.
(Ballack’s so cute when he tried to speak English and his German is absolutely adorable!
so, cheer for the great Russian team Chelski XD)