needle phobia
Aug 15th, 2006 by Ashley
Forced to do med exam. I’m in extremely bad mood today.
Sick and tired of people consider me an immature mommy’s girl who really needs to grow up and act like an adult, ie. not afraid of taking blood test and get immu shots. People just don’t understand that the fear can be enormous.
and I found this site, saying
Let’s get something straight here, if you have an extraordinary fear of needles, medical procedures, blood/injury, or pain, you are not a whimp, you are a ‘special need’ patient, your fear is not a character flaw, nor does it have anything whatsoever to do with lack of will power. You are a special-need patient. Don’t forget it and don’t let anyone else forget it.
and I almost bursted out into tears.
In wiki, it’s said
The condition was officially recognized in 1994 in the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th edition) as a specific phobia of blood/injection/injury type. Phobic level responses to injections cause sufferers to avoid inoculations, blood tests and in the more severe cases, all medical care.
It is estimated that at least 10% of American adults are trypanophobic, and it is likely that the actual number is larger, as the most severe cases are never documented due to the tendency of the sufferer to simply avoid all medical treatment
I’m totally trying to avoid med exams.
There are 4 types of trypanophobia, I’m the most common one:
People who suffer from vaso-vagal trypanophobia fear the sight, thought or feeling of needles or needle-like objects. The primary symptom of vaso-vagal trypanophobia is vaso-vagal syncope, or fainting due to loss of blood pressure.
The physiological changes associated with this type of trypanophobia also include feeling faint, sweating, nausea, pallor, tinnitus, panic attacks and initially high blood pressure and heart rate followed by a plunge in both at the moment of injection. In this case, the patient is more likely to react passively as opposed to aggressively.
Although most phobias are dangerous to some degree, trypanophobia is one of the few that actually kills. In cases of severe trypanophobia, the drop in blood pressure caused by the vaso-vagal shock reflex may cause death.
I’ve had suffered panic attack, fainting(low blood pressure) and nausea.
Dont worry!
God will be with you!
貓貓 Thank you Q_Q
I know what that feels like, except I have a rare case in which I will attack the doctor/parimedic without meaning to.
Hope your life gets better :)