Firefly – Our Mrs. Reynolds & Jaynestown
Sep 11th, 2006 by Ashley
I didn’t fall in love with Firefly at the first episode, but it’s getting harder to call it a night. However, I don’t have the luxury to take a day off for it, so I’ve better stop here.
These two episodes, dialogues were becoming more and more interesting. Though I still couldn’t figure out what kinda person Jayne is. He seems to be a mercenary sometimes, an idiot sometimes, a person with a heart sometimes. I guess either the writers didn’t agree on who he is or, he’s just like most of the people (I guess) with a little bit everything.
This was the same for me…the first episode really isn’t all that good, but contains vital backstory. If it weren’t for Orson Scott Card’s review and recommendation of Serenity, I would have dropped this series out the gate.
I think that inspection of Jayne’s character is one of the most revealing mechanisms for getting a feel for what life is like in the harsh, chatotic realm of the border worlds.