Movies for the rest of the year
Sep 19th, 2006 by Ashley
movies I’m probably gonna see
Aside from musical movies, sports-related, based-on-true-story movie is another genre I cannot resist. See Glory Road, Remember the Titans, Coach Carter and so on.
The Prestige
Magicians in 19 century. Again, starred Hugh Jackman and Scarlett Johansson (something’s going on between these two!?)
The Covenant
I like this kinda of story, but I suspect it’d be good. Anyways, it’s nice to watch good looking guys.
The Black Dahlia
Didn’t receive much good critic, but it’s said to be a film noir. I like those kind of movies so I’d give it a try.
Children of Men
Adpated from P.D. James novel, starring Clive Owen and Julianne Moore. Must-see. (Before hearing about this, I didn’t know P.D. James writes Sci-Fi, too)
The Guardian
Ashton Kutcher finally has a break through performance (at least he looks convincingly serious in the trailer.)
The Last Kiss
The Holiday
Don’t like the actresses (Diaz & Winslet) but love Jude Law and Jack Black. Half of the movie took place in English country side. How can I possibly resist it.
Casino Royale
I was attracted by its poster, but I didn’t realized until now that it’s a 007 movie. Daniel Craig is the new James Bond. We’ll see if he can really portrait the charismatic James Bond. (He looks like Ed Harris in the poster.)
Copying Beethoven
Ed Harris played Beethoven
Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker
Looks fun.
A story that reminds me of Black Beauty. Tim McGraw not only sang the theme song but also played Katie’s father. I don’t know he can act. (Maybe he can’t… oops)
Marie Antoinette
I hate Kirsten Dunst, but I can’t resist 16th-19th centuries movies
All the King’s Men
Anthony Hopkins, Jude Law, Mark Ruffalo, James Gandolfini… Do I need to say more?