Oct 16th, 2006 by Ashley
我們在 Seattle Aquarium 看到的超級可愛 sea otter 貓說要回家訓練兔子 XD
Posted in Life | 5 Comments
兔子… 打算也丟到水裡嗎… @_@
I dont know. Hope not. XD
But my mom was pretty excited after watching those adorable sea otters and has impractical thoughts about our rabbit. lol
看了三次 真的很可愛 ////>
不過她比較像夾夾啦 笨笨臉
超可愛, 看得我頭都癢了起來~
兔子… 打算也丟到水裡嗎… @_@
I dont know. Hope not. XD
But my mom was pretty excited after watching those adorable sea otters and has impractical thoughts about our rabbit. lol
看了三次 真的很可愛 ////>
超可愛, 看得我頭都癢了起來~