Dancing with the Stars s3e6
Oct 18th, 2006 by Ashley
Mario’s Mambo was FUN! a very exciting performance.
Monique’s Samba was fun, except for the unnecessary, not-so-great solo opening, and her “tail” was kinda disturbing.
Joey’s Rumba was, yes, sexy, but Edyta’s costume was a bit distracting, and apparently not just for the viewers.
Emmitt’s jive was once again surprisingly great (sorry, I’ve always had a doubt with big foot) and enjoyable. His brought his confidence and successfully spread the joy to everyone.
I didn’t even bother to watch Jerry’s paso doble. It’s for sure a disaster.
But because Sarah’s sudden depature, we have to endure Jerry for another week. Hope everything goes well with Sarah (she’s on the top of my to-go list too anyway, even though she’s sweet like Barbie.)
Oh I forgot to mention the group disco. It was fun! (Hey, it’s a fun episode in all!) But Joey, oh Joey, he clearly flipped on his lift. I’m sure it’s not that he didn’t practice to perfection but sometimes people just make mistakes. Lifts like this, wrong at the first step, it’s hard to get on to the next beautifully.
and that’s about it.