Dancing with the Stars s3e8
Nov 2nd, 2006 by Ashley
Tango: Adam’s Fanily. I fear for them. It’s a slap or a lifetime dance. Silid tango movements in a cute and fun Tango.
Pasa Doble: theatric.
(Karina was the one who had a nervous breakdown)
Waltz: beautiful.
Samba: pretty hot
Tango: don’t really like it. delicate footwork but few stumbles… very obvious. not sure.
Cha cha cha: much better, but the end seems struggling.
Foxtrot: ( I was attracred by some extremely annoying busines. heck) It looks nice but I wasn’t able to enjoy it fully. Heck (first you used my bowl and left it for me to wash and now you wanna watch DVD when you know all along that Tuesday is the busiest day in a week. Heck)
awesome, beautiful.
It’s close the end of the competition. I wasn’t able to decide which couple I root for more. But after the result show last night, my heart leaned toward Joey and Emmitt more. Monique as the last girl standing finally left the competition. It’s sad but it’s also a fact that she didn’t do well in her Tango. The flaws were unacceptably noticeable, and that shouldn’t have happened in this stage of the competition. Although Mario comes as a natural, personality wise Joey and Emmitt would win more of fans’ hearts. It’s such a difficult competition, and the most difficult thing is they’re all too adorable, unlike the last two season, you have to like one better than the other.
We’ll see.