I was viewing Shirley's album. We're going to meet this evening.
Then I linked to my own album and started to view our Orlando pics taken
by Adam. and all of a sudden, I strongly miss them. My dear friends….
It's surprising that how can good times pass so fast.
The three of us always hang together everyday.
(well, every weekend. Mr. Adam is busy like hell)
We'd watch TV, cook, have meals together, and sometimes take a walk along
the beautiful Lakeview Estate (to be honest, I forgot the name).
We'd take some soda or cocktail and chips, and drive to southlake village.
There are several benches along the shore on the back of the apartments.
We'd eat and chat and enjoy the view. Sometimes the ducks would laugh at
Adam with weird quack quack. We'd go to garage sale and buy some fuuny
cheap stuffs, and we'd go to Elmwood for good Italian food, Shakespeare,
or summer Jazz. and the most stupid thing is we'd go to Tops or Wegman in
the middle of the night cuz we're bored and they're the only places to go
except for cemetery, which's always been Adam's passion but we've never
It makes me angry that so beautiful a friendship should only live for
a year. Yes, Moni and I remain close but Adam is like drifting further
and further away, which makes us sad.