Everyone Says I Love You
Dec 5th, 2006 by Ashley
It’s a horrible movie in all.
I don’t like Woody Allen. He’s a weird little old man. However, I try not to discard one’s work just because of the kind of person he/she is. (不因人廢言) Afterall, I did enjoy his eccentric sense of humour in Bullets over Broadway and Scoop. (He showed us how great Scarlet Johanson can be.) But not this time. I felt sad for the 101 minutes of my life that I can never take back. Also, I highly suspect that Woody Allen made this film just because he wanted to sing.
Nevertheless, there’s always something stirred up my thoughts. Near the end of the movie, Woody Allen asked Goldie Hawn, “Why is it so important?”
Yeah, why?
We know what the right things are; we know what are essential in life. But those seem irrelevant matters to us in an irrational way. We sometimes stop and ask ourselves, why is it so important? We don’t necessarily know the answer, but it’s a living fact we cannot defy. We make our decisions upon rations and irrational instincts, or we shall say, our hearts. Our feeling is what makes us different. Without it we’re just a bunch of rules and equations, aren’t we?
我想若Woody Allen只是想做歌舞片,
而沒有其它野心的話,那他算是還蠻成功的 :p
我覺得以歌舞片來說它算頗糟的耶 -_-
說真的, 裡面的人都不太能唱, 相較之下, 8 Femmes 實在是太棒了!