Boston Legal s3e11 Angel of Death
Jan 10th, 2007 by Ashley
TV, welcome back!
Following Shark, House and Boston Legal made the 2nd and 3rd comebacks from the break. To be just, they were both not as refreshing as Shark, which managed to get us reboard onto the pace and the excitement. (Gilmore Girls always did it as well. Everytime after the winter or summer break, I’d lose a bit of passion for GG; however, every season premiere, every mid-season comeback captured my heart at the very moment Carole King sings “Where you lead, I will follow.”)
House was cute, especially the way he smokes, but something seemed to be missing. There were unexpected turns and sometime it made you wanna shout Hell ya. Still, it failed to present some sparkles, only one in House’s eyes at the end of the episode.
But I’m here mainly to talk about last night’s BL.
The center case was one that took Denny and Alan to New Orleans (Mr. Boston goes to New Orleans?) companied by the continuing story of Clarice/Clarence and Denise being horny. I don’t appreciate the “previously on Boston Legal” editing this episode very much. It preluded the 3 storylines efficiently yet twistingly. They put Denny and Alan go to Nemo Bay and Denny and Alan go to spa together while the focus of this New Orleans chaos was entirely NOT related to their firm and loving relationship.
When I started this post, I went to find out the title of this episode and first I cannot figure out how the title was related to the story. And then I realized. But it’s the evidence that how faint the story was. Or like what Alan said in this episode, “I tried to close my eyes and imagine, but I can’t.” We can’t, cos we weren’t there. As homeland security being brought up in Shark, Boston Legal revisited the recovering city of New Orleans. Studio 60 did it in its Xmas episode with a sentimental approach. However, BL here tried to pinpoint the fact that during the time of desperation, it was not the world we used to live in. Norms don’t apply and up is down. You can’t imagine something like that, you have to be there to know.
People tend to be forgetful. We need to be reminded that even though the hurricane is long gone, there are still people struggling to live through the damage it’s done, and some attentions are deserved.
However heavy it was, the show still made me chuckle and laugh. Seemingly cold-blooded Claire was still in the process of helping Clarrnce to let himself out. This part was warm and you can’t help but smiling with them when you see the progress. But Denise, oh Denise… we witnessed her horniness in last episode, and it exploded when Jeffrey Coho came and offered himself. I hate to see them make it an office sex circus. Enough with Denise’s FWB, enough with Shirley’s inappropriate jealousy and intervening… poor Brad, though I don’t like him, looks like a total loser. Always is and always will be. (He even fails to be the office hunk.)
There’s a piece of review of last night’s show which points out the charm of Boston Legal.