The Thing with Unhappiness
Jan 17th, 2007 by Ashley
People often tell themselves (and sometimes others) that if I had this and this, if I were in a different place, if I were with so and so, I’d be a happy. But it usually doesn’t work that way. Often times, we get something we think we want but all we feel is lost and emptiness. Like Von Sidell in Everyone Says I Love You thought she met her Mr. Right (even though it’s just the package) and lived in the city of her dreams, then she realized that it’s not what she really wanted. Sometimes, it’s just a thing you hold on to while fighting through your life, and sometimes it’s just an excuse, a valid reason for the present unhappiness. We’re not happy because we don’t have this or that; we’re not happy because things don’t turn out the way we want them to be. Without them, we’re unhappy with no good reasons. Then what do we do? How do we face our lives? Can we stand firmly saying we’re not happy because we aren’t, or simply claim we’re clueless?
In the pursuit of our happiness, we’re trying. Is the journey painful? Is there any pleasant encounter? Have you reached it? Is that really what you want?
I agree with this :
Sometimes, it’s just a thing you hold on to while fighting through your life, and sometimes it’s just an excuse, a valid reason for the present unhappiness.
From time to time, things change,
The whole world and ourselves always change,
Maybe, sometimes, the situation is just,
At that moment, it was what we wanted, we really wanted,
and the next moment, something changed.
Agree. But I’m talking about the ultimate dream you have. It’s sometimes just something you put your hopes on, or you blame your unhappiness for not having it, or, yes, as you say, something we believe we want but as time goes by, it’s not really for you anymore and you just don’t know it.
No matter what, we’re all trying, right :)
我以為這是外國人的BLOG, 原來是華人的, 早知道就不用使出我的破英文
明明下面沒幾篇就是用中文寫的 orz
(上面的comment也是留中文呀 XD)
請問你是…? ;)
我是從Gea-Suan Lin’s BLOG連過來的路人甲
這裡-> o Ashley’s BLOG
o Gea-Suan Lin’s BLOG
o Gea-Suan Lin’s BLOG for Class
o Gea-Suan Lin’s BLOG for Networking
o Gea-Suan Lin’s BLOG for Work
o Zonble
o 布丁大長輩
o 我弟的 Blog
o 汪汪大長輩
o 沛長輩的 BLOG
o 火星人大長輩
o 睡大長輩
o 蔡依林的部落格
唯一的一個中文字是’貓’,我以為那是其他語文在中文環境下的亂碼 *我呆*
gslin 是我同學…
他那列blogroll裡大概只有我專門在寫這些風花雪月的東西吧. 完全沒有一點點理工人的樣子~
對不起是我的錯 Q_Q
什麼啦 為什麼是你的錯? XD
me me!
然後一直有個what if………..
same here… 不過我這學期要去拿課了! 不試試是不會知道那究竟是不是自己的夢想, 還是只是個用來安慰自己的藉口.
甯甯加油! (要不要當點心師傅?)
看起來不用冒險的路 有時候
就像待在緩緩加熱的田雞湯裡, 雖是凜冽寒冬, 也溫暖如春
看起來不用冒險的路 有時候自己也是會如坐針氈 最怕一輩子就這麼走下去了~
“看起來不用冒險的路 有時候自己也是會如坐針氈 最怕一輩子就這麼走下去了~ ”
same here. I am always wondering if my choice is right, and always wondering the path I didn’t choose. And sometimes when you take the high road, you still don’t know if that’s the right way to go…and you can never know, you can only keep walking until the end…
> 看起來不用冒險的路 有時候自己也是會如坐針氈 最怕一輩子就這麼走下去了~
進不敢攻 退不願守
I’m Your Sunshine 下面的小字換了, 好像一直在換
我比較喜歡我第一次看到的那段, 挺喜歡的
我英文不是頂好, 那段文字在我看來是說,
然而我也明白, 人世蒼莽,
即使陽光粲然, 有時你仍會感到荒寒
不過 給自己留一個藉口
去試了 卻發現自己依舊是這樣一事無成
對於自己的選擇 我不會太後悔 所以每一個選擇更要格外認真
fmodem: 有時覺得是不是到了這個年紀 (well, I’m guess we’re around the same age :p) 就會開始思考這些事…
FZ: 說的好! 另外, 我的 description 是常換 (之前連 blog title 都一天到晚換, 但後來覺得那樣不好.) 我想你說的是 It can be cold even when the sun brightly shines. 不過你把我的意境想的太美了. I’m you sunshine 這句話其實非常狂妄, 而下面那句… 一方面是因為這陣子天氣實在太冷了(動不動就到零下), 另一個意思… 比較personal就不解釋了
(不好意思讓你幻想破滅? XD)
noelle: 對你也許吧. 我的生活已經太輕鬆不能再輕鬆了 XD 所以我在逼自己不走輕鬆的路~ (雖然跟絕大多數的人比起來還是很輕鬆 :p)