Working Girl (1988)
Jan 24th, 2007 by Ashley
I have a head for business and a body for sin.
Is there anything wrong with that?
總歸而言是一個勵志向上的故事, 但在現實社會中, 只有志氣是不夠的. 必須要有機運要有點子, 有時還需要些手段. 當然故事中的主角是因為被惡劣對待而激發起不顧一切的決心, 用外表的偽裝與誤導來讓自己的聲音被聽見. 中間經過了些挫折, 但終究還是給我們一個讓人微笑的結局. 也許情節已經太老套太可預料了 (畢竟那是二十年前的電影啊!) 但能夠看看那些影星(當時可能一點也不出名呢!)二十年前的樣子, 也是很有趣的!
小時候我非常喜歡 Melanie Griffins. 她永遠都那麼柔軟而甜美. 然而她似乎總是差了那麼一點, 躍不上一線影星的行列. 她與 Ed Harris 合演的 Milk Money 我十分喜歡, 因為兩個都是我心儀卻紅不起來的演員. 除了 Melanie 之外本片還有非常漂亮的 Sigourney Weaver, 無論如何都很討厭的 Harrison Ford, Alec Baldwin 倒是沒怎麼變, Joan Cusack 個人風格非常突出, 跟現在差不多. 還有 David Duchovny 喔! 不過我完全沒注意到他. Kevin Spacey 也在其中飾演一個小角色, 那時的頭髮真多, 我看到時還以為只是個長得很像 Kevin Spacey 的人… XD
[updated] 蠻喜歡 Rita Kempley 在 Washington Post 的Working Girl review 兩段簡介.
“Working Girl” is a delectable reworking of the ultimate girl’s myth, a corporate Cinderella story with shades of a self-made Pygmalion. This scrumptious romantic comedy with its blithe cast is as easy to watch as swirling ball gowns and dancing feet. But oh me, oh my, how much more demanding it is to be a fairy tale heroine these days. Happily-ever-aftering is hard as hell.
The divorce rate being what it is, Prince Charming just isn’t the answer anymore. Today’s Cinderella first sets her sights on a career, and if the prince is part of the package, so much the better. Girls in glass slippers want car phones, briefcases, seats on the stock exchange. And, fairy godmother, make that pumpkin a leveraged buy-out.
原來這裡頭有David Duchovny和Kevin Spacey!!