Misc in life
Feb 8th, 2007 by Ashley
seems to hurt my knee during step aerobic class (Chelsea fate?), no pain, but feels weird. It feels as if it’s slightly misplaced, and I don’t know how to fix it.
and as i’m working out regularly now, I wanna have a better gear… I want a Chelsea shoebag!!! (there was a really neat gym bag as well, but it’s replaced by Adidas’ silly bag. I should’ve bought it…)
too many money issues to take care of. i’m so bad at finance. it’s totally a mess.
too many activities. not that I’m complaining. but i tend to forget one when i’m thinking about attending another and later find out they fall into the same time slot. alas. schedule is pack til the end of March; however, i have little idea what are those. need to organize… (it’s just too overwhelming. i wanna take everything slow and nice, but on the other hand i’m giving myself way too much to deal with at the same time. i’m killing myself… XD)
Gilmore Girls this week (just watched it yesterday.) I just wanna mentioned one thing so I’m not gonna make an article out of it. Emily was blabbering in the hospital, saying she’s gonna cancel her book club meeting the next Thursday, and she went on complaining about one of her friend proposed to read Cormac McCarthy, which is the writer of Blood Meridian and so on, which I intend to read, some day. Talked about Gilmore Girls, I’m still rooting for Lorelai and Luke (yeah, people of the same initial should stick together XD) however, please don’t make it too lame.
Haha. Your life sounds just like mine. I always overbook myself. All the day to day life items seem to fall off the plate. Laundry, taxes, dishes etc…So I try and multitask. Today I am doing laundry and dishes while I rollerblade and start taxes. Tonight I have salsa lessons, but only if I get all the rest done first.