#6 tonight
Feb 13th, 2007 by Ashley
it’s relatively quiet tonight. you ran the usual errands, watched TV, even chatted a bit with your ex on your way home. still, something’s different, you could smell it. it’s as if the whole world is gone while the world is right beside you talking and all that. you saw that lady cross the road, thinking when’s this stupid rain gonna stop. you made yourself a cup of tea and tried very hard to figure out what you have missed. you must have missed something. or something has missed you. either way. you feel extra lonely tonight. where are all the people? (except the countless ones that walked by you.) you must have been placed to an alternate reality when you were in the steam room, the split second you fell asleep. you knew it.
and you remembered them talking, to each other and to you. speaking as if she’s fallen for you and she’s acting all shy while you and all other people have considered them a couple long ago. you can’t help but wonder if they’re really “just good friends” as they proclaimed. you felt a bit over the cloud but at the same time afraid that you’d be the sacrifice for their intention of keeping the “relationship” low profile… like the poor Harriet Smith, and they acted as if they despised each other! how detestable. so you told yourself to do this and that, but still you found your obsession towards her is growing outrageously. you knew you’ve lost another front. how many more? you cried.