79th and the Oscar goes to…
Feb 27th, 2007 by Ashley
(planned to finish my Oscar post in one piece but apparently the pretty women took too much space. )
It’s Ellen DeGeneres’s first time hosting the Academy Awards. Some had doubts in her but having watching her 2005 Emmy, I didn’t think she’d screw it up. She might not be spetacular as her predecessor (here, I’m referring to Billy Crystal, not Jon Swetart, of course), she wouldn’t bring disaster, either. Turned out that she was actually quite good. The jokes were funny (not too dry for the Hollywood people to understand or apprecitiate) and nothing inappropriate. Job well done, Ellen!
I wondered if it’s because they got bashed for cutting winners’ speeches (especially Ang Lee’s) in rather rude manners last year, they were afraid to rush winners when giving acceptance speeches. The ceremony dragged ridiculously long which made us have no choice but to give up our reservation at Melting Pot. But in all, it was a enjoyable evening.
首先, 恭喜女王 Helen Mirren 眾望所歸拿下最佳女主角, 得獎感言很棒. :)
You know, my sister told me that all kids love to get gold stars, and this is the biggest and the best gold star that I have ever had in my life. I want to share my gold star with my fellow nominees, those brilliant, brilliant actresses who gave such amazing performances this year. I also share my gold star with the filmmakers, with Stephen Frears, with Peter Morgan, with Andy Harries and all the producers and all the filmmakers and the cast. Thank you.
Now you know for 50 years and more, Elizabeth Windsor has maintained her dignity, her sense of duty, and her hairstyle. She’s had her feet planted firmly on the ground, her hat on her head, her handbag on her arm and she’s weathered many, many storms, and I salute her courage and her consistency. And I thank her because if it wasn’t for her, I most, most certainly would not be here. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you The Queen. Thank you. Thank you very much.
El Laberinto del Fauno (Pan’s Laborynth)贏得 Best Achievement in Cinematography, Art Direction and Makeup 但是最佳外語片輸給 Das Leben der Anderen, 這是意料之中, 雖然我還沒看. 最佳電影配樂輸給 Babel 就有點不可理喻了! 拉小琴了不起嗎!? 除了 The Good German 我還沒看過之外, 我不相信其
他三片會沒有一部比得上 Babel 的.
賀Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest 拿下最佳視覺效果. 我真是愛死這集的海產!!
我沒有看 Departed, 所以似乎不應該亂作批評. 然而我沒看是有原因的. 明明就是翻拍, 卻忝不知恥地抱走最佳影片, 最佳導演, 最佳改編劇本 (我們說, 他應該得最佳翻譯吧!)與最佳剪輯. 然後隨隨便便地提一下這部電影是改編自一部香港電影, 連片名 Infernal Affairs (無間道)都沒有提. 很多美國朋友都對 The Departed 讚不絕口, 我只叫他們去租無間道來看. 但我也很懷疑在文化差異之下, 他們究竟能不能理解故事中人物行為的原因, 如果在他們看來覺得莫名其妙, 那自然好看不起來. 這也就罷了, 最令人討厭的是大部份的美國人在稱讚 Departed 精彩絕倫的時候, 根本就不知道那是部翻拍電影, 也許還在為了”美國人”的原創性自得不已呢.
對男主角提名者都沒有什麼感覺, 但我還蠻喜歡 Whitaker 的得獎感言的.
Jack Black 諧星三人組的表現也不錯, 也多虧有 Jack Black, 不然我應該無法忍受看那麼久的 Will Ferral.
其他… 想到再補充.
還算是個不會太無聊的頒獎典禮, 雖然實在是拖得太~久~了~
The Departed和Martin Scorsese的幾部顛峰之作比起來真的差太多太多了,用這部電影拿獎,要是我是他,還會覺得不太光采…
配樂獎完全被當成是安慰獎在用:所以去年給了沒拿最佳影片的Brokeback Mountain,今年給了Babel。這是要告訴我們:找Gustavo Santaolalla來做配樂?那就別想拿最佳影片了。) XD
同感. 拿 The Departed 讓 Martin Scorsese 得獎, 實在是… 說要補償他吧, 那 Peter O’Toole 又情何以堪?
沒錯~看的很生氣 Departed得這麼多獎是在搞什麼
害我還是看完最佳影片頒完才匆匆去實驗室的 浪費
雖然我討厭女主角 (伸大舌頭)
我也討厭 Keira Knightley!!!!! 但是衝著 Johnny Depp 跟一堆海產 (還有Jack Davenport) 我還是很喜歡這部 ^^
沒想到我去年竟然對 Whitaker 有好感. 最近幾個月被他的電影前宣導短片弄得超反感, 現在看到他就想踢… orz