House of Mirth – Edith Wharton
Apr 19th, 2007 by Ashley
昨天去 Borders 翻了一下 Wide Sargasso Sea 跟 House of Mirth. 其實已經從圖書館借到 Wide Sargasso Sea, 但那書看起來年歲不小, 上面不知道沾了多少莫名其妙匪夷所思的東西, 於是我很遺憾地將它擺在一邊, 我不想跟奇怪的東西親密接觸共枕而眠啊. 我決定先到書店探探虛實, 感覺好的話就買回家.
沒想到 Wide Sargasso Sea 只有薄薄一本, 加上是 Selina 推薦的, 那我就買好了. 看了幾頁 The House of Mirth, 感覺用字非常浮華而累贅, 不是很喜歡. 但故事似乎很有趣, 那就… 看電影吧. (除非有人要跳出來跟我說書好看得不得了, 值得我試試.)
“Why must a girl pay so dearly for her last escape,” Lily muses as she contemplates the prospect of being bored all afternoon by Percy Gryce, dull but undeniably rich, “on the bare chance that he might ultimately do her the honor of boring her for life?”