P.S. / To Have and Have Not / Zwartboek / Das Leben der Anderes / Talk to Her
May 7th, 2007 by Ashley
[originally posted on 4/20/07, updated on 5/7/07]
以上是這周看的電影, 小記一下
昨天看了 Zwartboek 跟 Das Leben der Anderes, 雖然很累, 但都超好看的!!
nein, das ist fuer mich.
P.S. (2004) B
Pro: Topher Grace, Laura Linney, 輕鬆小品
Con: 略嫌零散
To Have and Have Not (1945) B+
Pro: Lauren Bacall
Con: 不夠深刻
Zwartboek (The Black Book) (2006) A
Pro: 緊湊
Con: 壞人太多了!
Das Leben der Anderes (The Lives of The Others) (2006) A
Pro: 人性
Con: 看完黑書再看這個相較之下就有點悶
Talk To Her (2002) B+
Pro: 非常有趣, 參雜一點點奇情
Penelope (C Ricci 終於又重出江湖了! 前陣子跟 M Freeman 那部片聽說很不錯)
The Savages (I love Laura Linney. and PSH)
Away From Her (很感人的一部片)
(其實是在給grace先生打打廣告,他快要在spider man 3中閃亮登場呢)
yeah of course :D
I watched those 4 movies this week. P.S. story was only so-so but it’s so enjoyable watching Linney and Grace!