For Love of the Game (1999)
May 23rd, 2007 by Ashley
For Love of the Game (1999) A-
Is this not America, Is baseball not America’s favorite pastime?
I love sports movie. It doesn’t even have to be inspired by a true story. For Love of the Game was adapted from a book written by Pulitzer winner Michael Shaara about a fictional 40-year-old Detroit Tiger pitcher Billy Chapel, his pitching career which seemed to have come to an end, his failed relationship and… his love for the game.
Some might look at the unrealistic aspects of this movie and scorn, but remember, it’s just a movie. And seriously, why would we wanna watch it if it’s only an ordinary story about an ordinary day of an ordinary person? I love the flashbacks of this movie. From the very begining, bad news hit him one by one, and he got to the field like a miserable old man. As the game went on, bits and pieces of his relationship with Jane interwove with every pitch he made. My heart beat with him, felt with him and at the end shed tears with him.
I Love it.
最後在機場那段蠻敗筆的 :(