Nick Hornby, Arsenal and Notes on a Scandal(!?)
May 22nd, 2007 by Ashley
I was reading Nick Hornby’s (a die hard gooner; still, painfully I have to admit that he’s one of my favorite writer) The Polysyllabic Spree, a collection of his monthly reading column, and in the October piece he mentioned that he’d read Notes on a Scandal by Zoe Heller. He went,
It was moving along nicely until a character starts talking about football. He tells a teaching colleague that he’s been to see Arsenal, and that “Arsenal won Liverpool 3-0.” … And I’m positive that no one has ever said “Arsenal won Liverpool 3-0” in the entire history of either Arsenal FC or the English language. “Beat”, “thrashed”, “did” or “done”, “trounced”, “thumped”, “shat all over”, “walloped”, etc., yes; “won”, no. And I think that my dismay and disbelief then led me to question other things, and the fabric of the novel started to unravel a little.
He then said that it was not just the language, but the facts about Arsenal
說真的, 從九零年到現在(2003) Arsenal 哪次在 Highbury 擊敗 Liverpool了?
3-0? The poor lady had no chance!
Having read Selina’s review of Notes (the same paragraph was mentioned) made it even more fun to read Hornby’s piece. XD
這一篇我超有感覺的!!!not that i read nick hornby or i love football (i m actually clueless about both XD),
but… 之前在倫敦我就住在Highbury!!! XD Arsenal球場離我家大概一分鐘走程吧… 每次有比賽就會看到一堆紅人,地鐵都會關站,然後mailbox都會收到”有球賽的日子願意高價承租停車位,請與我連絡”這種廣告,附近的酒吧都只准紅衣人進入(地主酒吧 plus 避免爭端)
so yeah, 我就住在Ash妳的”敵窟”那兒… :P
嘖嘖嘖~~~ Nick Nornby 也住在 Highbury 耶!
(不過 Arsenal 主場已經換到 Emirates Stadium 了, 那時你還在倫敦嗎?)
雖然和 Nick Hornby 處在不同陣營,可是那種球迷情結我懂。 XD