[MLB] Clevland Indians v Oakland A’s
Jun 28th, 2007 by Ashley
Game 1
Chad Gaudin 主投, Mark Ellis 跟 Travis Buck 都沒上, Buck 手肘有傷, 不過明天應該還是會上. Ellis, 應該只是休息吧? 不然就是他的膝蓋…
今天的 Line-up 是 SSSCCCJKK (可惜 Dan Johnson 不姓 K 開頭 XD):
Stewart, Scutaro, Swisher, Chavez, Cust, Crosby, Johnson, Kotsay, Kendall.
啊啊啊… 我一開始聽之後從領先變成落後了. 難道真的是我害的? 中間去上課半小時沒看, 結果 3-2 還穩穩守住 (Rich Harden 第七局上來又有漂亮演出), 結果我八局下半開始看, 又被笑臉人打了兩分, 最後兩人出局兩三壘有人的情況下, Kotsay 被三振…
明天是 A’s 的 Ace, MLB 現在戰績最好的投手, Dan Haren 先發, 我真是想看又不敢看, Haren 一定要贏啊!
/20070625 21:25/
Game 2
有沒有這麼令人沮喪的比賽? 我一點也不想多寫了.
今天落後, 追平, 落後, 追平, 領先, 九上再一分保險分, 九下如大江東去…
敗掉 Haren 的勝投, Embree 看起來很自責很可憐, 但我還是想怪他.
枉費 Ellis 今天打得那麼好 (差點又再次拿下一個 cycle!)
Ellis homer
* 最近每次主播球評在 Ellis 有所表現時就會提到, Ellis 自從當爸爸之後像變了一個人似的, 打擊不錯. 每次聽到他們這麼說心裡都覺得很怪, 大概是入戲太深吧. 這就是寫真人fan fic的風險.
* 聽說當天穿哪件球衣是先發投手決定的. A’s 這一系列的 road trip 比賽都穿綠底的 alternative jersey, 今天換成灰底的 road jersey, 沒想到還是沒有轉運.
louismg @ Athletic Nation summed it up perfectly. And seriously… I’m trying not to swear.
/20070626 19:51/
Game 3
Travis Buck 回來了! 希望他的手還好. Crosby 與 Kendall 都被拿下, 換上 Scutaro 與 Suzuki. 這陣子被批得亂七八糟的 Chavez 還是穩穩排在… 唔, 後退了一棒, 第五棒.
今天克里夫蘭的天氣聽說很奇怪. Indians batting practice 結束之後就下起大雨, 害 A’s 無法 BP, 比賽要開始時卻又放晴了. 不過在 walk, flyout, walk 之後, Cust 來個 3 run HR 帶大家回家, (這時真的很慶幸 Chavez 不是被放在第四棒. AN 上有人很毒的說, He knew Chavez was in the on deck circle, so he took it upon himself to get it done. XD) Korach 說搞不好就是要這樣, 不被 BP 影響心情, 上場打就是了.
二局上半, Scutaro single, Suzuki HR! (AN 馬上有人說, Jason who? 不過我還是蠻喜歡 Kendall 的, 他的經驗以及對各投手的熟悉度, 我比較相信他的配球, 雖然說他的打擊真的很糟糕.) 接著 Buck double, Stewart single, Swisher double, Cust sac-fly, Chavy double, Ellis single, DJ single, Scutaro pop-out, Suzuki walk, Buck ground-out. 拿了六分終於結束了二上. 某人說的好, “Isn’t it like the A’s? To use a weeks worth of offense in one game and struggle the rest of the way.” sigh…
氣象預報說將會有雷雨, 很擔心到手的這九分就這樣飛掉 (若在五局完成前因天候得暫停的話, 似乎就算 rain out, 比賽會重新開始.) 還好提心吊膽地撐到五下結束, 9-2 A’s. 直到七局下半 11-5 才 rain delay. 最後 13-7 A’s, 結束了可怕的 road trip 5 連敗.
明天請 June Blanton 也加油. Offense 也要給點面子啊! Go A’s.
The “MAN” in capital letters. Jack Cust! 5RBI
/20070627 20:26/
Game 4
My bad. I was too excited that the losing streak has finally ended and forgot that there’s one more game left in this series. Today, Kendall and Crosby are back to the starting line-up: Stewart, Kotsay, Swisher, Cust, Chavez, Ellis, Johnson, Crosby, Kendall. Joe Blanton starting pitch. (I want Travis Buck!)
Simply put, A’s is not hitting, AGAIN. The last two innings were really nerve wrecking. It was not another 10-1 hopeless game, if that meant A’s is improving on this horrifying road trip. However, the lack of arms in the bull pen is really giving A’s a hard time. I just hope that even though we lost again today, we’re still heading a right direction and do something good in New York in the next few days.
Oh, by the way, even though A’s lost 3-4, still there are some actions worth mentioning. Aside from DJ’s 4-4, there was a smoking play by my twin bro (not that we look anything alike) Nick Swisher (but we both talk a lot which is a fact.) According to the radio broadcaster, he made a impossible diving catch to save A’s from being tied (even though the next pitch to Jason Michaels made it seem a bit pointless.) People on Athletics Nation groaned about not being able to see the spectacular play because of, darn, work, and I’m so glad that they did put it on MLB.TV. Great job, Swish! =D
但愿我也能早点看懂棒球. 此前一直都是啃规则书, 始终不太明白. 大陆这边又没怎么转播棒球赛. :(
p2p是您的好朋友 ;)
(我知道的不少人就是這樣看比賽的, 台灣轉播 A’s 比賽的機會聽說不多)