看完 Avenue Q 之後懶得寫心得, 但今天幫朋友寫她的音樂報告, 我挑了 Avenue Q 來寫, 又勾起了美好的(!?)回憶.
許多人在看完 Avenue Q 之後, 會把 msn 暱稱改成 “There’s a Fine, Fine Line” (或是 “The Internet Is for Porn”), 這首歌是 Kate Monster 在發現 Princeton 並不能確定對她的感情之後, 狠下心分手唱出的歌.
There’s a fine, fine line between a lover and a friend. There’s a fine, fine line between love and a waste of time.
這首歌大概真的是對眾多在曖昧裡受盡委屈的人來說是一曲好聽的當頭棒喝, (Mr. yo 請不要再對我唱曖昧… -_-) 但我最喜歡的還是 “I Wish I Could Go Back to College“. 當 Kate, Nicky, Princeton 唱起這首歌時, 觀眾有人笑了出來, 我完全不懂為什麼他們會笑, 我聽得都快哭了. 真是一曲道盡心中情.
I wish I could go back to college. Life was so simple back then. We could be sitting in the computer lab four a.m before the final paper is due. Cursing the world that I didn’t start sooner and seeing the rest of the class there too.
另外 Mix Tape 那一幕我也非常有感覺. :)
Swedish 版 XD
Original Cast 版
avenue Q可以說是所有曾經有理想的大學精英們之悲歌。我也喜歡there’s a fine fine line極了。除了相當無奈的for now,其他都很一針見血啊。當我看著窗外的藍天我卻留在辦公室搏鬥時,總會哼起 “the sun is shinning is a lovely day, perfect morning for the kids to play, but you’ve got lots of bills to pay(也因此發狠砸錢看DVD看到瘋)..what can you do? you work real hard (假期殺手!)and the pay’s real low (永遠到不了求職市場刊登的平均價), and every hour goes so so slow(不停偷看WINDOWS的小時鐘), and at the end of the day there’s no where to go(每晚就回到辦公室對面的宿舍)..”