Jan 9th, 2008 by Ashley
我也不想一直狂貼歌啊… orz
但是最近沒啥時間跟靈感寫東西, 卻一直聽到好聽的歌. (很多是早就聽過, 最近卻特別有感覺的~)
You don’t know how you took it
You just know what you’ve got
Oh Lordy, you’ve been stealing
From the thieves and you got caught
In the headlights of a stretch car
You’re a star
Dressing like your sister
Living like a tart
They don’t know what you’re doing
Babe, it must be art
You’re a headache, in a suitcase
You’re a star
Oh no, don’t be shy
You don’t have to go blind
Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me
You don’t know how you got here
You just know you want out
Believing in yourself
[ Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me lyrics found on http://www.completealbumlyrics.com ]
Almost as much as you doubt
You’re a big smash
You wear it like a rash
Oh no, don’t be shy
It’s a crime to cry
Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me
They want you to be Jesus
Now go down on one knee
But they want their money back
If you’re alive at thirty-three
And you’re turning tricks
With your crucifix
You’re a star
Ooh child
Of course you’re not shy
You don’t have to deny it
Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me