Women’s Murder Club s1e10 FBI Guy
Jan 13th, 2008 by Ashley
(Watch out, TV. I’m so back.)
貫穿整集的主線是被車子來回碾過好幾遍的兇殺案, 支線是連環殺手 Kiss Me Not, 有個好像有點煩人的 FBI profiler 黏在 Lindsay 身邊, 以及 Tom 的新婚妻子 Heather 的小插曲.
Lindsay 與 Heather 的互動實在有點無奈的矛盾, 但又很切實際. 人的喜惡並不是時刻分明, 即使 Linds 仍心繫 Tom, 即使婚禮當天 Heather 發的飆實在是太自以為世界繞著她轉, 在脆弱需要人一把的時候, Lindsay 也自然順手地開導了她. (這種情況下, 也只有曾處在過同樣局面的 Linds 能夠開導.) 看起來一點也不會偽善, 因為人往往就是這樣的啊.
Kiss Me Not killer 似乎有些許新進展, 但本集主要還是著墨於 Lindsay 身邊眾人的態度. Tom, Jocabi, club members 得知時的反應不盡相同, 我最喜歡 Jacobi 那段, 深情真切, 我都可以感受到他因 Lindsay 對自身安全漠不關心而感到的痛. 我喜歡看人與人之間的關心與互動.
兇殺案中被害人的妻子原來過著兩個身份的生活, 最終看來那目的似乎只是成為 Linsday 開導 Heather 時的一個小笑話, 有點虛掉.
另外, 本集最好笑:
Jill: I’ll clear it with Denise.
Lindsay: Wait. Your voice didn’t do that thing when you said Denise’s name.
Jill: What thing?
Lindsay: The rumbly, trembly hate filled thing… which I’m sure nobody but me has ever noticed.
Jill: Denise is no longer a problem. Ever since she got drunk at Tom and Heather’s wedding and announced to Luke that I had sex with Hanson, thereby ending my relationship, she’s been a peach. Turns out, my boss is actually capable of guilt.
Cindy: Thanks for calling me.
Jill: Well you’re in the club after all.
Ashe: You have a club, huh?
All: No!
Ashe: You were gonna tell me about Sarah Rice.
Lindsay: Waitress. Grew up in Marin County. Strangled in 2003. She was 26.
Ashe: You sound like you’re reading from a phone book.
Lindsay: You want an interpretive dance?