I want EYES!
May 12th, 2005 by Ashley
I don't know what the hell ABC's thinking. First they took away
Boston Legal and filled the time slot with Grey's Anatomy. As I
said before, Grey's Anatomy isn't bad, but Boston Legal is awesome!
Why not put Grey's Anatomy to another time slot. There are so many
awful shows on ABC, such as the Bachlor – the stupidest show ever,
why not replace them!? And now they plan to cancel Eyes! This is
outrageous and unforgivable! Are you telling me that you stupid
American can't handle smart stuffs? Or how can you explain the show
that you canceled are the witty ones. This is pathetic! I hate it
that the shows I love love love are canceled (Eyes, Tru Calling,
John Doe < - hey, Fox! There are two on your head!) while those stupid
and maeningless shows keep going on and on (rediculous reality shows,
stupid teenager drama...)
Damn I'm angry! Would you please get smarter my fellow stupid
Americans for the sake of those who are on the top of pyramid, and
are unfortunately greatly outnumbered by you.