more about TWW s3e10 Barlet for America
Jun 15th, 2005 by Ashley
When I first watched this episode, I felt heartborken for Leo. But at the end of the episode, there’s the sunrise on the horizon that washed away the feeling of sorrow. It’s the power of hope and goodness.
However, when I watched it again with commentary, the feeling aroused again and was more distinct because this time I was less puzzled and catched details which I missed the first time. Therefore, when President Barlet gave Leo his Christmas present touched me even more deeply for the love between them is huge and moving. Like they said in the commentary, it’s a love story between Leo and Jed and it’s beautiful.
There’s something else not related to the story worth noted. The shot of the series… how they manage to bring a fragment from another one. It’s all naturally done with elegance. I’m now limited by the language I can use. Perhaps I can talk more when I get home.