Snow Patrol
Dec 4th, 2006 by Ashley
(Still playing: Virgin UK)
They just played Set the Fire to the Third Bar by Snow Patrol + Martha Wainwright. I can never resist duets, in Chinese or in English. DJ mentioned while the song faded that Marthn Wainwright is not going to participate in Snow Patrol’s tour because she has her own studio project to work on. Instead, Lisa Hanningan will join Snow Patrol on the tour! I was head over heels for 9 Crimes performed by Damine Rice and Lisa Hanningan days ago. It’s surely a nice surprise! (Even though it has nothing to do with me… She’s not joining them for the US tour. alas.)
So I went to check out Snow Patrol’s official site (some might wonder, why a fan of acronym kept using Snow Patrol instead of SP. Well, there’s only on SP in my dictionary and it’s Simple Plan.), saw a piece of blog Gary wrote today. He mentioned how cold it was in Portland and also a book he’s been reading Grab On to Me Tightly as if I Knew the Way, which he considered his book of the year. I’ll probably check it out. Oh and by the way, Nathan Connolly’s of his own charm as usual. I still remember the way he looks on stage! (L)