Archive for the 'sorta review' Category
- 2011 04 22 The Strokes [Angels]
- 2011 02 23 My All Time Favorite Albums
- 2009 04 23 The Airborne Toxic Event
- 2009 02 06 Stellastarr* [Stellastarr*]
- 2008 12 17 2008, 我聽…
- 2008 10 23 Keane [Perfect Symmetry]
- 2008 07 31 Fall Out Boy [Infinity on High]
- 2008 07 03 Cat Power [Greatest Hits]
- 2007 10 06 Silverchair [Young Modern]
- 2007 08 30 Better Than Ezra [Friction, Baby] again
- 2007 08 29 這樣就對了…
- 2007 07 13 Electric Soft Parade
- 2007 07 12 Editors [An End has a Start]
- 2007 06 27 Fleetwood Mac [Time]
- 2007 06 26 Fleetwood Mac [Fleetwood Mac]
- 2007 06 22 Travis [The Boy with No Name]
- 2007 06 21 The Polyphonic Spree [The Fragile Army]
- 2007 06 12 Shelby Lynne [I Am Shelby Lynne]
- 2007 06 11 Better Than Ezra [Friction, Baby]
- 2007 06 07 Blue October [Consent to Treatment]
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