The Killers [Sam’s Town]
Apr 5th, 2007 by Ashley
The Killers 已經紅了好一陣子, 雖然覺得 When You Were Young 還蠻好聽的, 歌詞也夠詭異. 但只有主打歌好聽的團比比皆是, 因為我也沒費神去試試他們的音樂. 直到最近在廣播上, 無論是車上聽 Alice, Channel 1049 或是在網路上聽 Virgin UK, 三番兩次我聽到好聽的歌, 一查之下都是 The Killers, 終於挑起我對這個團的好奇.
Killers 的歌總有幾句讓你眼睛一亮或是”這什麼鬼啊!”的歌詞, 一開始是 “Somebody told me, you have a boyfriend who looks like a girlfriend that I had last year” 然後又有 “He doesnt look a thing like Jesus, but he talks like a gentleman, like you imagined when you were young”
是 Read My Mind 讓我愛上的, Brandon Flowers 飄渺味道的嗓音為這個歌多添加了想像, The stars are blazing like rebel diamonds cut out of the sun When you read my mind…